18/01/1945 |
British Empire casualties to November
1944 are announced as 282,162 killed, 80,580 missing, 386,374
wounded and 294,438 captured. |
10/04/1945 |
Churchill reveals British
Empire casualty figures up to this point as 306,984 killed.
Total casualties are 1,126,802, merchant navy losing 34,161
dead or captured. Civilians casualties are 59,793 killed and
84,749 injured. |
08/05/1945 |
VE-Day (Victory-in-Europe Day). |
09/05/1945 |
The German garrison in the Channel
Islands agree to surrender to British troops after five years
of occupation. The surrender terms are signed aboard the destroyer
HMS Bulldog, which is moored off St. Hellier. |
12/05/1945 |
British relief troops land at St Hélier
in Jersey, to an ‘overwhelming’ welcome. |
13/05/1945 |
The British Royal Family
and allied military leaders attend a thanks giving service
at St. Paul’s Cathedral. |
16/05/1945 |
British troops land on Alderney, taking
3,200 Germans prisoner. |
18/06/1945 |
British demobilisation
begins. |
26/07/1945 |
Clement Attlee is elected
as Prime Minister of Great Britain. |
15/08/1945 |
VJ-Day is declared in
Britain and huge crowds cheer King and Queen en route to Westminster
for the State opening of Parliament. The British release details
of one of most closely guarded secrets of war, RADAR. |
19/09/1945 |
William Joyce (Lord Haw
Haw) is sentenced to be hanged for treason. |
08/10/1945 |
Rudolph Hess is flown
from England to Germany to stand trial. |
01/11/1945 |
British Intelligence reports
that Hitler probably committed suicide on the 30th April in
Berlin after marrying his mistress, Eva Braun. |