Welcome to the Casualties
Section! |
This section will list
all the country's that fought or were fought over during World War
2. Eventually each country will also be described in a fair amount
of detail as to what role they played, be it as one of the Allies,
as part of the Axis, or in some cases both. Neutral countries will
also be described, but only in so far as their impact on military
conflict. |
Status: Independent (1938) Type
of Government: Monarchy
Religion: 66% Muslim and 34% Christian |
1,500,000 (1938)
Albanians - 1,300,000
Greeks - 100,000
Macedonians - 100,000 |
Alignment (1938
- 1945): Italian Colony
10th Apr 1939 - 8th Sep 1943 Occupied by Germany
8th Sep 1943 - ?? Dec 1944 Civil War
?? Dec 1944 - Jul 1945 |
Casualties (1939
- 1945):
Unknown |
Status: Dominion of the British Commonwealth
Type of Government: Democratic Monarchy
Religion: Christian |
7,700,000 (1939)
Australians - 7,625,000
Aboriginal - 75,000 |
Alignment (1939
- 1945): Allied Partner
3rd Sep 1939 - 2nd Sep 1945 |
Casualties (1939
- 1945):
Soldiers (Allied) - 31,200 Killed |
Status: Independent Type of Government:
Democratic Monarchy Religion: Christian |
8,367,000 (1939)
Flemish - 4,800,000
Walloons - 3,200,000
Germans - 300,000
Jews - 67,000 |
Alignment (1939
- 1945): Neutral
1st Sep 1939 - 10th May 1940 Allied Partner
10th May 1940 - 28th May 1940 Occupied by Germany
28th May 1940 - 2nd Sep 1944 Allied Partner
2nd Sep 1944 - 8th May 1945 |
Casualties (1940
- 1945):
Soldiers (Allied) - 9,096 Killed
Soldiers (Axis) - 11,000 Killed
Resistance - 16,000 Killed
Civilians - 30,500 Killed
Jews - 29,000 Killed |
Status: Independent Type of Government:
Democracy Religion: Christian |
Population: 41,000,000
Portuguese - 26,650,000
Mulattos & Negroes - 14,350,000 |
Alignment (1939
- 1945): Neutral
1st Sep 1939 - 22nd Aug 1942 Allied Partner
22nd Aug 1942 - 7th May 1945 |
Casualties (1942
- 1945):
Soldiers (Allied) - 948 Killed |
Status: Independent Type of Government:
Democratic Monarchy Religion: Christian |
6,200,000 (1939)
Bulgars - 5,475,000
Turks - 620,000
Jews - 63,000
Remainder - 42,000 |
Alignment (1939
- 1945): Neutral
1st Sep 1939 - 1st Mar 1941 Axis Partner
1st Mar 1941 - 8th Sep 1944 Soviet Satellite
8th Sep 1944 - 7th May 1945 |
Casualties (1941
- 1945):
Soldiers (Axis) - 3,000 Killed
Soldiers (Allied) - 9,000 Killed
Partisans - 1,000 Killed
Civilians - 3,000 Killed
Soviet Occupation - 40,000 Killed |
Status: Dominion of the British Commonwealth
Type of Government: Democratic Monarchy
Religion: Christian |
Population :
11,500,000 (1939)
British - 8,000,000
French - 3,000,000
Aboriginals - 500,000 |
Alignment (1939
- 1945): Neutral
1st Sep 1939 - 10th Sep 1939 Allied Partner
10th Sep 1939 - 2nd Sep 1945 |
Casualties (1939
- 1945):
Soldiers (Allied) - 44,893 Killed |
Status: Independent
Type of Government: Warlord Alliance
Religion: Various |
Population: 450,000,000
Chinese - 447,000,000
Tibetans - 3,000,000 |
Alignment (1937 - 1945):
Isolated war with Japan
7th Jul 1937 - 7th Dec 1941
Allied Partner
7th Sep 1941 - 2nd Sep 1945 |
Casualties (1939 - 1945):
Soldiers (Nationalist) - 1,500,000 Killed
Soldiers (Communist) - 500,000 Killed
Civilians - 11,500,000 Killed |
Status: Independent Type of Government:
Democratic Monarchy Religion: Christian |
4,100,000 (1939)
Danes - 4,094,000
Jews - 6,000 |
Alignment (1939
- 1945): Neutral
1st Sep 1939 - 9th Apr 1940 Occupied by Germany
9th Apr 1940 - 4th May 1945 |
Casualties (1939
- 1945):
Soldiers (Neutral) - 13 Killed
Soldiers (Axis) - 4,000 Killed
Soldiers (Allied) - 1,886 Killed
Resistance - 1,300 Killed
Civilians - 4,000 Killed
Jews - 400 Killed |
Status: Independent Type of Government:
Dictatorship Religion: Christian |
1,134,500 (1939)
Estonians - 1,000,000
Russians - 100,000
Volksdeutsch - 30,000
Jews - 4,500 |
Alignment (1939
- 1945): Neutral
1st Sep 1939 - 16th Jun 1940 Occupied by Soviet Union
16th Jun 1940 - 27th Jul 1941 Axis Satellite
27th Jul 1941 - 22nd Sep 1944 Occupied by Soviet Union
22nd Sep 1944 - 7th May 1945 |
Casualties (1939
- 1945):
Soldiers (Neutral) - 200 Killed
Soldiers (Axis) - 5,000 Killed
Soldiers (Allied) - 2,000 Killed
Partisans - 1,000 Killed
Civilians - 2,800 Killed
Jews - 2,000 Killed
Soviet Occupation - 62,000 Killed |
Status: Independent Type of Government:
Democracy Religion: Christian |
4,000,000 (1939)
Finns - 3,598,000
Swedes - 400,000
Jews - 2,000 |
Alignment (1939
- 1945): Neutral
1st Sep 1939 - 16th Jun 1940 Axis Partner
29th Jun 1941 - 7th Sep 1944 Neutral
7th Sep 1944 - 8th May 1945 |
Casualties (1939
- 1945):
Soldiers (Neutral) - 26,923 Killed
Soldiers (Axis) - 55,000 Killed
Civilians - 3,000 Killed |
Status: Independent Type of Government:
Democracy Religion: Christian |
40,800,000 (1939)
French - 38,890,000
Germans - 1,500,000
Jews - 300,000
Russians - 100,000
Italians - 10,000 |
Alignment (1939
- 1945): Allied Partner
3rd Sep 1939 - 25th Jun 1940 Occupied by Germany
25th Jun 1940 - 25th Aug 1944 Allied Partner
25th Aug 1944 - 8th May 1945 |
Casualties (1939
- 1945):
Soldiers (Allied) - 132,437 Killed
Soldiers (Axis) - 19,500 Killed
Soldiers (POW's) - 60,000 Killed
Resistance - 107,000 Killed
Civilians - 79,000 Killed
Jews - 77,000 Killed
German Occupation - 26,000 Killed
Gypsies - 18,000 Killed |
Status: Independent Type of Government:
Dictatorship Religion: Christian |
Population: 73,000,000
Germans - 70,990,000
Poles - 1,000,000
Jews - 707,000
Russians - 200,000
Danes - 30,000
Gypsies - 28,000
Wends - 20,000
Frisians - 15,000
Lithuanians - 10,000 |
Alignment (1939
- 1945): Axis Partner
1st Sep 1939 - 8th May 1945 |
Casualties (1939
- 1945):
Soldiers (Axis) - 3,350,000 Killed
Civilians - 3,043,000 Killed
Jews - 205,500 Killed
Gypsies - 20,000 Killed |
Britain and Northern Ireland Status:
Independent Type of Government: Democratic
Monarchy Religion: Christian |
46,000,000 (1939)
English - 38,000,000
Scots - 4,000,000
Welsh - 2,500,000
N. Irish - 1,500,000 |
Alignment (1939
- 1945): Allied Partner
3rd Sep 1939 - 2nd Sep 1945 |
Casualties (1939
- 1945):
Soldiers (Allied) - 298,950 Killed
Civilians - 64,000 Killed |
Status: Independent Type of Government:
Dictatorship Religion: Christian |
Population: 7,460,00
Greeks - 6,900,000
Turks - 190,000
Vlachs - 150,000
Macedonians - 81,000
Jews - 78,000
Chams - 30,000
Bulgars - 30,000 |
Alignment (1939
- 1945): Neutral
1st Sep 1939 - 28th Oct 1940 Allied Partner
28th Oct 1940 - 23rd Apr 1941 Occupied by Italy, Germany,
23rd Apr 1941 - 18th Sep 1944 Civil War
28th Oct 1940 - 7th May 1945 |
Casualties (1940
- 1945):
Soldiers (Allied) - 17,200 Killed
Soldiers (Axis) - 2,000 Killed
Civilians - 362,000 Killed
Jews - 67,000 Killed
Resistance - 55,000 Killed |
Status: Independent
Type of Government: Democratic Monarchy
Religion: Christian |
Population: 8,000,000
Magyars - 6,800,000
Volksdeutsch - 560,000
Szeklers - 400,000
Jews - 400,000
Slovaks - 160,000 |
Alignment (1939
- 1945):
1st Sep 1939 - 20th Nov 1940
Axis Partner
20th Nov 1940 - 7th May 1945 |
Casualties (1940
- 1945):
Soldiers (Axis) - 237,000 Killed
Civilians - 100,000 Killed
Jews - 268,000 Killed
Gypsies - 28,000 Killed |
Status: Danish Possession Type
of Government: Democratic Monarchy Religion:
Christian |
140,000 (1939)
Icelanders - 140,000 |
Alignment (1939
- 1945): Neutral
1st Sep 1939 - 9th Apr 1940 Allied Partner
9th Apr 1940 - 4th May 1945 |
Casualties (1940
- 1945):
Unknown |
Status: British Dominion Type of
Government: British Administration Religion:
Hindu and Moslem (Majority) |
384,000,000 (1939)
Indians - 384,000,000 |
Alignment (1939
- 1945): Allied Partner
3rd Sep 1939 - 2nd Sep 1945 |
Casualties (1939
- 1945):
Soldiers (Allied) - 36,092 Killed
Soldiers (Axis) - 2,615 Killed
Civilians - 1,500,000 Killed |
Status: Independent Type of Government:
Dictatorship Religion: Christian |
40,000,000 (1939)
Italians - 37,600,000
Friulis - 1,000,000
Sardinians - 1,000,000
Volksdeutsch - 200,000
Slovenians - 60,000
Croats - 60,000
French - 50,000
Catalans - 15,000
Greeks - 15,000
Albanians - 15,000 |
Alignment (1939
- 1945): Neutral
1st Sep 1939 - 11th Jun 1940 Axis Partner
11th Jun 1940 - 8th Sep 1943 Occupied by Germany
8th Sep 1943 - 2nd May 1945 |
Casualties (1940
- 1945):
Soldiers (Axis) - 200,000 Killed
Soldiers (Allied) - 69,729 Killed
Partisans - 65,000 - Killed
Civilians - 144,000 Killed
Jews - 4,500 Killed |
Status: Independent Type of Government:
Oligarchy Religion: Buddhist |
73,000,000 (1931)
Japanese - 73,000,000 |
Alignment (1939
- 1945): Neutral
1st Sep 1939 - 7th Dec 1941 Axis Partner
7th Dec 1941 - 2nd Sep 1945 |
Casualties (1941
- 1945):
Soldiers (Axis) - 1,926,500 Killed
Civilians - 393,000 Killed |
Status: Independent
Type of Government: Democratic Monarchy
Religion: Christian |
Population: 290,000
Luxembourger's - 288,000
Jews - 2,000 |
Alignment (1939 - 1945):
1st Sep 1939 - 10th May 1940
Occupied by Germany
15th May 1940 - Sep 1944
Allied Partner
Sep 1944 - 7th May 1945 |
Casualties (1940 - 1945):
Soldiers (Axis) - 4,000 Killed
Civilians - 5,000 Killed
Jews - 1,000 Killed |
Status: Independent Type of Government:
Democratic Monarchy Religion: Christian |
8,900,000 (1939)
Dutch - 8,460,000
Frisians - 300,000
Jews - 140,000 |
Alignment (1939
- 1945): Neutral
1st Sep 1939 - 10th May 1940 Allied Partner
10th May 1940 - 15th May 1940 Occupied by Germany
15th May 1940 - 7th May 1945 Allied Partner
8th May 1945 - 2nd Sep 1945 |
Casualties (1939
- 1945):
Soldiers (Allied) - 14,900 Killed
Soldiers (Axis) - 10,000 Killed
Resistance - 5,500 Killed
Civilians - 38,000 Killed
Jews - 102,000 Killed |
Zealand Status: Dominion
of the British Commonwealth Type of Government:
Democratic Monarchy Religion: Christian |
1,700,000 (1939)
New Zealanders - 1,605,000
Maori - 95,000 |
Alignment (1939
- 1945): Allied Partner
3rd Sep 1939 - 2nd Sep 1945 |
Casualties (1939
- 1945):
Soldiers (Allied) - 13,075 Killed |
Status: Independent Type of Government:
Democratic Monarchy Religion: Christian |
3,100,000 (1939)
Norwegians - 3,098,300
Jews - 1,700 |
Alignment (1939
- 1945): Neutral
1st Sep 1939 - 9th Apr 1940 Occupied by Germany
9th Apr 1940 - 4th May 1945 |
Casualties (1940
- 1945):
Soldiers (Allied) - 4,790 Killed
Soldiers (Axis) - 3,024 Killed
Resistance - 1,481 Killed
Civilians - 1,000 Killed
Jews - 762 Killed |
Status: Independent Type of Government:
Dictatorship Religion: Christian |
34,325,000 (1939)
Poles - 24,358,000
Ukrainians - 4,857,000
Jews - 2,880,000
Byelorussians - 1,100,000
Volksdeutsch - 794,000
Gypsies - 36,000
Remainder - 300,000 |
Alignment (1939
- 1945): Allied Partner
1st Sep 1939 - 29th Sep 1939 Occupied by Germany
29th Sep 1939 - 17th Jan 1945 Allied Partner
17th Jan 1945 - 8th May 1945 |
Casualties (1939
- 1945):
Soldiers (Allied) - 320,000 Killed
Soldiers (Axis) - 35,000 Killed
Partisans - 97,000 - Killed
Civilians - 2,900,000 Killed
Jews - 2,500,000 Killed
Gypsies - 24,000 Killed |
Status: Independent Type of Government:
Democratic Monarchy Religion: Christian |
17,400,000 (1939)
Romanians - 12,840,000
Hungarians - 1,400,000
Ukrainians - 780,000
Volksdeutsch - 750,000
Jews - 728,000
Bulgars - 366,000
Gypsies - 260,000
Turks - 177,000
Remainder - 99,000 |
Alignment (1939
- 1945): Neutral
1st Sep 1939 - 23rd Nov 1940 Axis Partner
23rd Nov 1940 - 23rd Aug 1944 Soviet Satellite
25th Aug 1944 - 7th May 1945 |
Casualties (1940
- 1945):
Soldiers (Axis) - 306,000 Killed
Soldiers (Allied) - 64,000 Killed
Civilians - 5,000 Killed
Jews - 420,000 - Killed
Gypsies - 36,000 - Killed
Soviet Occupation - 75,000 Killed |
Africa & Namibia Status:
Dominion of the British Commonwealth Type of Government:
Democratic Monarchy Religion: Christian |
11,400,000 (1939)
Natives - 9,000,000
Afrikaners - 1,200,000
British - 1,000,000
Other - 200,000 |
Alignment (1939
- 1945): Allied Partner
6th Sep 1939 - 2nd Sep 1945 |
Casualties (1939
- 1945):
Soldiers (Allied) - 3,863 Killed |
Status: Independent Type of Government:
Democratic Monarchy Religion: Christian |
6,500,000 (1939)
Swedes - 6.497,000
Lapps - 3,000 |
Alignment (1939
- 1945): Neutral
1st Sep 1939 - 2nd Sep 1945 |
Casualties (1939
- 1945):
Soldiers (Axis) - 45 Killed |
Status: Independent Type of Government:
Monarchic Dictatorship Religion: Buddhist |
17,000,000 (1939)
Thais - 15,300,000
Chinese - 1,000,000
Malay - 500,000 |
Alignment (1939
- 1945): Neutral
1st Sep 1939 - 8th Dec 1941 Axis Partner
8th Dec 1941 - 2nd Sep 1945 |
Casualties (1940
- 1945):
Unknown |
States of America (USA) Status:
Independent Type of Government: Democracy
Religion: Christian |
131,000,000 (1939)
British - 36,000,000
German - 32,500,000
Irish - 18,000,000
African - 14,500,000
Italian - 10,000,000
Other - 20,000,000 |
Alignment (1939
- 1945): Neutral
1st Sep 1939 - 8th Dec 1941 Allied Partner
8th Dec 1941 - 2nd Sep 1945 |
Casualties (1941
- 1945):
Soldiers (Allied) - 408,200 Killed
Civilians - 1,000 Killed |
of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) Status:
Independent Type of Government: Communist
Religion: Atheist |
190,000,000 (1939)
Russians - 100,000,000
Ukrainians - 15,400,000
Uzbekis - 10,000,000
Kazakhs - 5,000,000
Byelorussians - 4,400,000
Azerbaijanis - 2,500,000
Tajiks - 2,500,000
Georgians - 2,100,000
Turkmen - 2,000,000
Jews - 1,907,000
Kyrgyz - 1,500,000
Armenians - 1,300,000
Kabardins - 700,000
Ossetians - 600,000
Chechens - 350,000
Volksdeutsch - 340,000
Tatars - 300,000
Bulgars - 200,000
Greeks - 125,000
Gagaus - 100,000
Others - 38,678,000 |
Alignment (1939
- 1945): Neutral
1st Sep 1939 - 22nd Jun 1941 Allied Partner
22nd Jun 1941 - 8th May 1945 Neutral
8th May 1945 - 9th Aug 1945 Allied Partner
9th Aug 1945 - 2nd Sep 1945 |
Casualties (1941
- 1945):
Soldiers (Allied) - 13,300,000 Killed
Soldiers (Axis) - 408,000 Killed
Civilians - 6,500,000 Killed
Jews - 1,000,000 Killed |
Source - World War Two Nation by Nation (J.
Lee Ready - Published by Arms and Armour - ISBN 1-85409-290-1)