The Luftwaffe 1933-1945
This web site is about anything and everything relating to
the Luftwaffe. |
A complete encyclopaedia of information relating to the U-Boat
war from 1939 to 1945. |
This site contains just about everything you could possible
want to know about the German armed forces of World War 2. |
Deutscher Mädel
An extensive historical research site about the Bund Deutscher
Mädel, or BDM, which is the only one of its kind in
any language. |
Die Gebirgstruppen
A web site about the 100th Gebirgsjäger Regiment of the
5th Gebirgsjäger Division. |
German U-boats and the Battle of the Atlantic
Provides an in-depth history of the Battle of the Atlantic
and other naval battles; along with U-boat history, photos,
technical information, and U-boat tactics. |
Battleship Bismarck
An excellent web site, with everything you ever wanted to know
about the Bismarck. |
Comando Supremo
A web site dedicated the the Italian war effort between 1940
and 1943. |
The World at War
History of World War 2 1939-1945. |
Nihon Kaigun
This site is dedicated to the Imperial Japanese Navy. |
Battles of the Winter War
Covers the epic war between Finland and the Soviet Union during
the winter of 1939/1940. |
A site with lots of detail about German Panzer forces during
World War 2. |
Devils of Carentan
This is a re-enacting group, specialising in re-enacting battles fought by 2nd
Kompanie of the 6th Fallschirmjaeger Regiment, who fought in Normandy from June
1944. |
Warsaw Uprising 1944
The heroic and tragic 63-day struggle of Polish underground
to liberate WWII Warsaw from German occupation told through
documents, timeline, maps, photos, movies, and songs. |
World War 2 Cruiser Operations
Has information about warships that fought in World War 2,
their actions and personal stories. A wealth of detail and
more than 1,100 photos to view. |
The National Ex-Prisoner of War Association
With Dame Vera Lynn, DBE, LLD, M.MUS as their Patron, the National
Ex-Prisoner of War Association website deserves your attention. |
Cruiser Hood
An official site detailing everything you could possibly want to know about H.M.S.
Hood. |
The Battle of Britain Historical Society
A site to remember and honour the bravery of the 'Few'. |
US 70th Division Website
The U.S. 70th Division's Association Website. |
WW2 - A British Focus
Many valuable resources for anyone who is interested in World
War 2 from a British point of view. |
Forces of Britain, Empire and Commonwealth
A great website which details Nations, Wars, Regiments and Traditions of Britain
and its Empire. |
military units in USSR (1942-1945)
Dedicated to members of the Czechoslovak military units in USSR, who took part
in war to liberate the Ukrainian and Czechoslovak territory between 1943-1945. |
US 45th Infantry Division
This 45th 'Thunderbirds' Infantry Division organisation, honours
the veterans who served in the 45th Division, by re-enacting
their World War 2 battles. |
USAAF Internees in Switzerland
This site is all about interned USAAF personnel in Switzerland
during World War 2. |
War 2 Dodge site
This site is dedicated to one of the finest trucks of the '40-'45 era, the Dodge,
a true army workhorse with many variants. |
Norway During WW2
Everything you ever wanted to know about Norway during World
War 2. |
DDay-Overlord.com - The Battle for Normandy
An interesting resource for anyone interested in operation
'Overlord' and the Normandy campaign. |
Second World War Encyclopaedia
A truly massive World War 2 site, covering everything from
political and military leaders, through to weapons and tactics. |
This niche site, inlcudes a collection of interactive animations depicting key
battles of the Pacific War during World War 2. |
War Museums in Europe
Offers information about war museums in Europe and share the
experiences of those who have visited them. |
Military Antiques
Offers imported merchandise from Europe that is not available elsewhere, as well
as products from Asia and the Far East. |
Tanks in World War 2
A detailed site where you can find information and pictures
about virtually any tank or AFV used during World War 2. |
If you need a photo, then why not take a look at the 1,000's
on offer at this site. |
WWII in Europe
An interesting collection of World War 2 statistics, photos
and memoirs. |
A great site for enthusiasts in 1/6th scale model vehicles
and figures. |