430 Jewish hostages are
deported from Amsterdam after a Dutch Nazi is killed by Jews. |
Himmler makes his first
visit to Auschwitz, during which he orders Kommandant Höss
to begin massive expansion, including a new compound to be built
at nearby Birkenau that can hold 100,000 prisoners. |
07/03/1941 |
German Jews ordered into forced labour. |
26/03/1941 |
The German Army High Command gives
approval to RSHA and Heydrich on the tasks of SS murder squads
(Einsatzgruppen) in occupied Poland. |
29/03/1941 |
A 'Commissariat' for Jewish Affairs
is set up in Vichy France. |
14/05/1941 |
3,600 Jews arrested in
Paris. |
02/06/1941 |
Vichy publishes anti-Semitic
legislation based on German laws. Jews banned from public office. |
29/06/1941 |
Romanian troops conduct
a pogrom against Jews in the town of Jassy, killing 10,000. |
21/07/1941 |
In occupied Poland near
Lublin, Majdanek concentration camp becomes operational. |
26/07/1941 |
3,800 Jews killed during
a pogrom by Lithuanians in Kovno. |
31/07/1941 |
Göring instructs Heydrich
to prepare for Final Solution. |
26/08/1941 |
The Hungarian Army rounds
up 18,000 Jews at Kamenets-Podolsk. |
01/09/1941 |
German Jews ordered to
wear yellow stars. |
03/09/1941 |
Gas chambers at Auschwitz in Poland
are used for first time, using Zyklon B, which was basically
Hydrogen Cyanide. |
06/09/1941 |
The Vilna Ghetto is established
containing 40,000 Jews. |
17/09/1941 |
Beginning of general deportation of
German Jews. |
27/09/1941 |
23,000 Jews killed at Kamenets-Podolsk,
in the Ukraine. |
29/09/1941 |
The SS Einsatzgruppen operating
in the Ukraine massacres between 50,000 and 96,000 Ukranians
(of which 33,771 are Jews), at Babi Yar, a ravine about 30 miles
outside of Kiev. |
23/10/1941 |
Nazis forbid emigration
of Jews from the Reich. |
The Times newspaper's
report on Occupied Europe estimates that 82,000 Poles have been
shot or hanged since Poland's occupation by the Germans. |
24/11/1941 |
Theresienstadt Ghetto is established
near Prague, Czechoslovakia. The Nazis will use it as a model
ghetto for propaganda purposes. |
30/11/1941 |
Near Riga, a mass shooting of Latvian
and German Jews. |
08/12/1941 |
In occupied Poland, near
Lodz, Chelmno extermination camp becomes operational. Jews taken
there are placed in mobile gas vans and driven to a burial place
while carbon monoxide from the engine exhaust is fed into the
sealed rear compartment, killing them. The first gassing victims
include 5,000 Gypsies who had been deported from the Reich to
Lodz. |
12/12/1941 |
The ship "Struma"
leaves Romania for Palestine carrying 769 Jews but is later
denied permission by British authorities to allow the passengers
to disembark. In Feb. 1942, it sails back into the Black Sea
where it is intercepted by a Soviet submarine and sunk as an
"enemy target." |
16/12/1941 |
During a cabinet meeting, Hans Frank,
Gauleiter of Poland, states - "Gentlemen, I must ask you
to rid yourselves of all feeling of pity. We must annihilate
the Jews wherever we find them and wherever it is possible in
order to maintain the structure of the Reich as a whole..." |