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Jews being transported to a concentration camp in 1942.
The Holocaust! - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available
20/01/1942 In the Wannsee suburb of Berlin, the formal adoption of the 'Final Solution to the Jewish Problem' takes place. In practice this meant that all Jews in occupied Europe were to be transported to the east. The able bodied were worked until they died, while the remainder were put to death.
30/01/1942 Hitler, speaking at the Berlin Sports Palace, reaffirms his prewar prophecy concerning the Jews; once again telling an audience that "the result of this war will be the complete annihilation of the Jews."
31/01/1942 SS Einsatzgruppe A reports a tally of 229,052 Jews killed. - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available
17/03/1942 The deportation of Jews from Lublin to Belzec begins.
24/03/1942 The start of deportation of Slovak Jews to Auschwitz.
27/03/1942 The start of deportation of French Jews to Auschwitz.
28/03/1942 Fritz Sauckel named Chief of Manpower to expedite recruitment of slave labour.
30/03/1942 First trainloads of Jews from Paris arrive at Auschwitz. - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available
20/04/1942 German Jews are banned from using public transportation. - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available
07/05/1942 Dutch Jews are forced to wear the yellow 'Star of David' badge.
10/05/1942 The German open up a new death camp just outside Minsk, near the village of Maly Trostenets. Russian POW's and Jews have been forced to build the barracks for 600 slave labourers and their German and Ukrainian guards. Tens of thousands of Austrian, German, and Czech Jews are shipped there and driven towards the village in mobile gas chambers. When the vans reach the camp, all inside them are dead. At the camp, the slave labourers bury the bodies in deep pits. Maly Trostenets remains a tight German secret.
18/05/1942 The New York Times reports on an inside page that Nazis have machine-gunned over 100,000 Jews in the Baltic states, 100,000 in Poland and twice as many in western Russia. - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available
01/06/1942 Jews in Belgium, Croatia, Slovakia, Romania ordered to wear yellow stars.
05/06/1942 SS report 97,000 persons have been "processed" in mobile gas vans.
07/06/1942 All Jews over six are forced to wear the 'Star of David' in Occupied France.
11/06/1942 Eichmann meets with representatives from France, Belgium and Holland to coordinate deportation plans for Jews.
27/06/1942 Dr. Heinisch, the German administrator in the Przemysl area, issues a public instruction. "Every Ukrainian or Pole who attempts by any means whatsoever to impede the campaign for the deportation of Jews, will be shot. Every Ukrainian or Pole found in a Jewish quarter looting Jewish homes will be shot. Every Ukrainian or Pole attempting to conceal a Jew will be shot." In the next month, 24,000 Jews from western Galicia, Heinisch's district, pass through Przemysl. All are taken to Belzec and killed.
30/06/1942 At Auschwitz, a second gas chamber, Bunker II (the white farmhouse), is made operational at Birkenau due to the number of Jews arriving. - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available
02/07/1942 The New York Times reports via the London Daily Telegraph that over 1,000,000 Jews have already been killed by Nazis. Jews from Berlin sent to Theresienstadt.
07/07/1942 Himmler grants permission for sterilization experiments at Auschwitz.
14/07/1942 Beginning of deportation of Dutch Jews to Auschwitz.
16/07/1942 12,887 Jews of Paris are rounded up and sent to Drancy Internment Camp located outside the city.
17/07/1942 Himmler visits Auschwitz-Birkenau for two days, inspecting all ongoing construction and expansion, then observes the extermination process from start to finish as two trainloads of Jews arrive from Holland. Kommandant Höss is then promoted. Construction includes four large gas chamber/crematories.
19/07/1942 Himmler orders Operation Reinhard, mass deportations of Jews in Poland to extermination camps.
22/07/1942 Treblinka concentration camp is opened, which initiates new deportations from the Warsaw Ghetto. The deportation of Belgian Jews to Auschwitz begins.
23/07/1942 Treblinka extermination camp opened in occupied Poland, east of Warsaw. The camp is fitted with two buildings containing 10 gas chambers, each holding 200 persons. Carbon monoxide gas is piped in from engines placed outside the chamber, but Zyklon-B will later be substituted. Bodies are burned in open pits. - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available
06/08/1942 The British section of the 'World Jewish Congress', claims that 1,000,000 Jews are already dead in occupied Europe.
26/08/1942 7,000 Jews arrested in unoccupied France. - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available
09/09/1942 Open pit burning of bodies begins at Auschwitz in place of burial. The decision is made to dig up and burn those already buried, 107,000 corpses, to prevent fouling of ground water.
18/09/1942 Reduction of food rations for Jews in Germany.
21/09/1942 The inter-allied information committee estimates that the Germans have so far, executed 207,373 people in occupied Europe.
26/09/1942 The SS begin to take profit from the possessions and valuables of Jews from Auschwitz and Majdanek. German banknotes are sent to the Reichs Bank. Foreign currency, gold, jewels and other valuables are sent to SS Headquarters of the Economic Administration. Watches, clocks and pens are distributed to troops at the front. Clothing is distributed to German families. - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available
05/10/1942 Himmler orders all Jews in concentration camps in Germany to be sent to Auschwitz and Majdanek.
22/10/1942 SS put down a revolt at Sachsenhausen by a group of Jews about to be sent to Auschwitz.
26/10/1942 850 Jews are arrested in Norway.
28/10/1942 The first transport from Theresienstadt arrives at Auschwitz. - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available
The Germans make the first large deportation of Jews from Norway. - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available
10/12/1942 The first transport of Jews from Germany arrives at Auschwitz.
17/12/1942 The British Parliament vows to avenge Nazi crimes against Jews, as Eden announces that the Germans ‘are now carrying into effect Hitler’s often repeated intention to exterminate the Jewish people in Europe’. U.S. declares those crimes will be avenged.
28/12/1942 Sterilization experiments on women at Birkenau begin.

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