Holocaust! |
18/01/1945 |
Nazis evacuate 66,000 inmates from
Auschwitz back into Germany. |
27/01/1945 |
Soviet troops liberate
Auschwitz. By this time, an estimated 2,000,000 persons, including
1,500,000 Jews, have been murdered there. |
04/04/1945 |
Ohrdruf camp is liberated
by the Americans. |
10/04/1945 |
Buchenwald Concentration Camp is liberated
by the Allies. |
15/04/1945 |
British troops liberate Bergen-Belsen
Concentration Camp and free approximately 40,000 prisoners.
It is reported that "both inside and outside the huts was
a carpet of dead bodies, human excreta, rags and filth." |
29/04/1945 |
The U.S. 7th Army liberates Dachau
Concentration Camp. |
02/05/1945 |
Theresienstadt taken over by the Red
Cross. |
05/05/1945 |
Mauthausen concentration
camp is liberated. |
29/08/1945 |
The lists of the first
war criminals to be tried at Nuremberg are drawn up by a 'Four
Power' Commission of Prosecutors in London. Goring, Hess, von
Ribbentrop, Dr Ley, Rosenberg, Dr Frank, Streicher, Keitel,
Dr Funk, von Shirach, Dr Schacht, Sauckel, Prof Speer, Bormann,
von Papen, Jodl, Krupp, Raeder, Donitz, Baron von Neurath, Seyss-Inquart
and Frische are all named. |
18/10/1945 |
The first open session
of the International Military War Crimes Tribunal indicts 21
top Nazis. |
The Nuremberg trials begin,
with Goring, Ribbentrop, Hess, Keitel, JodI, Raeder, Doenitz,
Streicher and other top Nazis on trial. |
21/11/1945 |
All the top ranking Nazis at Nuremberg
plead innocent. |
29/11/1945 |
Films of concentration camp atrocities
are shown at the Nuremberg trials. |
30/11/1945 |
Rudolph Hess causes consternation at
the Nuremberg trials by announcing that he has been shamming
insanity and amnesia all this time. |
14/12/1945 |
SS personnel convicted
of atrocities at Belsen and other concentration camps, are hanged. |